Benefice of Eynsford

with Farningham & Lullingstone


St Martin of Tours ~ St Peter & St Paul ~ St Botolph

Text Sermons

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Proverbs 3.5-6, Rev'd Gary Owen

Jeremiah 29.11, Rev'd Gary Owen

Psalm 34:1-10, Rev'd Dorothy McGarvey

Isaiah 43.1, Peter Sansom

Isaiah 55, Rev'd Gary Owen

Psalm 118.24, Jan Thompson

Phillipians 4.4-9, Rev'd Gary Owen

2 Timothy 3,10-17, Rev'd Gary Owen

1 Peter 2:1-9, Rev'd Dorothy McGarvey

Psalm 23, Jan Thompson

Zephaniah 3, Rev'd Gary Owen

Luke 16:1-9. Rev'd Dorothy McGarvey

Matthew 25, Peter Sansom

Psalm 139:1-18, Rev'd Dorothy McGarvey

John 6.51-58, Jan Thompson

James 4.1-10, Rev'd Gary Owen

Proverbs 5, Rev'd Gary Owen

Romans 8.28-39, Jan Thompson

Matthew 28:16-20, Rev'd Dorothy McGarvey

Matthew 6:25-33, Rev'd Dorothy McGarvey

2 Timothy 3:14-4:5, Bible Sunday, Rev'd Dorothy McGarvey

John 15:12-17, Remembrance Sunday, Rev'd Dorothy McGarvey

Remembrance Sunday, Rev Gary Owen

Romans 13, Rev Gary Owen,

John 18:33-37, Rev'd Dorothy McGarvey

Luke 21:25-36, Rev'd Dorothy McGarvey

Carol Service, Eynsford, Rev'd Gary Owen

Micah 5:2-5, Rev'd Dorothy McGarvey

John 1:1-14, Rev'd Dorothy McGarvey

Luke 2:22-40, Rev'd Dorothy McGarvey

Matthew 20:1-16, Rev'd Dorothy McGarvey

Luke 8:22-25, Rev'd Dorothy McGarvey

Luke 9.28, Peter Sansom

Luke 6.17-26, Peter Sansom

St Patrick, Jan Thompson

Five Marks of Mission:1, Rev Gary Owen

Five Marks of Mission: 2, Rev Gary Owen

Five Marks of Mission: 3, Rev Gary Owen

Pentecost, Rev Gary Owen

John 16.12-15, Peter Sansom

St Swithun, Tina Watson

Luke 13.10, Peter Sansom

John 6.25, Peter Sansom

Luke 4.16-21, Peter Sansom

Bible Sunday, Tina Watson

Luke 21, Peter Sansom

Matthew 18.21, Peter Sansom

Isaiah 11.1-10, Peter Sansom

Matthew 4, Peter Sansom

Luke 8.4-15, Peter Sansom

Creationtide, Tina Watson



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