The Trident is the award-winning, monthly magazine of the Anglican Churches of Eynsford, Farningham and Lullingstone. As well as the latest information about church related activity, it is packed with the details of other local events, current affairs, features, and local business adverts, making it a valuable source of information for everyone living in the three villages.
Delivery to your door
The Trident can be delivered to your door within the parish boundaries of Farningham and Eynsford. The annual subscription is £12, which will be collected by your distributor in January. To order please email the treasurer at
Payments can also be made by on-line banking to account 40499250, branch 20-25-42, with a reference of your postcode and house name or number.
Trident by post
We can post copies to addresses outside our local delivery area. A Post & Packing subscription costs £22 which can be paid by on-line banking to account 40499250, branch 20-25-42, with a reference of your postcode and house name or number. For confirmation please email the treasurer at
Alternatively please send 12 x A5 SAE's with Large Letter stamps (First Class or Second Class) and £12 subscription. To order please email the treasurer at
Further copies
Further copies can usually be bought at the Paper Shop or Butchers in Eynsford, or at Wadard's Bookshop in Farningham.
Trident production
Copy for the magazine must be with the editor by the 12th of each month.
Guidelines for copy are printed on page 4 of the magazine every month. If you have any questions please email the editor.
Trident advertisements
The magazine includes advertisements from local businesses and groups. Regular adverts can be booked for one year, or by the month for special events etc. Current rates are detailed on page 4 of the magazine, or email the treasurer for further information.
Example of Trident
To view a sample copy of Trident please see /content/pages/documents/1576228749.pdf