Announcement from the Bishop of Rochester
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Sunday services From January 2023
First Sunday of the month:
10:30am Joint Holy Communion & Sunday School, alternating between St Martin's church in Eynsford and St Peter & St Paul's church in Farningham.
Second Sunday of the month:
09:30 Holy Communion & Sunday School in St Martin's church, Eynsford
11:00 Morning Prayer in St Botolph's church, Lullingstone.
Third Sunday of the month:
08:00 Holy Communion (BCP), St Peter & St Paul's church, Farningham
10:30 Morning Worship & Sunday School in St Peter & St Paul's church, Farningham
11:00 Holy Communion (BCP), in St Botolph's church in Lullingstone
Fourth Sunday of the month:
09:30 Morning Worship & Sunday School in St Martin's church, Eynsford
10:30 Holy Communion in St Peter & St Paul's church, Farningham
11:00 Morning Prayer & Young Pilgrims in St Botolph's church in Lullingstone
Fifth Sunday of the month:
Holy Communion United Benefice Service rotates betwenn the three churches. Start times will be:
10:30 St Martin's, Eynsford
10:30 St Peter & St Paul's, Farningham
11:00 St Botolph's, Lullingstone